BalorMage's Holy Relic Necromancer Pantheon, Ascendancies & Bandits (PoE Settlers of Kalguur)




The most optimal way to play this build leaves very few choices when it comes to the Ascendancy nodes, which I will cover in this section of the guide.

My Preferred Set-Up

The ascendancy nodes are listed in order of importance (and tied to the way you need to travel to access them).

  1. Mindless Aggression
  2. Unnatural Strength
  3. Bone Barrier
  4. Mistress of Sacrifice


If you feel you struggle at league start at all, Alira is a good option now for the 15 all resistance. However we will change this option to Kill All to get our passive point later on when we have gear.
If you’re confident in your ability to res cap and gear yourself you can save some respects by just killing all bandits to begin with.


As with most builds these come down to a matter of personal taste. I for one, love adding the upgraded Brine King Major God to avoid being frozen when upgraded, as I can then completely ignore that risk in maps when I have an army of minions at my command.

I tend to lean towards the Shakari Minor God pantheon to mitigate Chaos Damage, as it is a resistance very few builds bother to even think about.

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